20. The Ambush

Dated May 21, 2018; last modified on Sun, 14 Mar 2021

Charlotte: I doubt if Theranos’s ‘box’ is real. Henry [Kissinger] doubts too and he’s been saying he wants out.

Tyler got served with an affidavit stating that he’d never spoken to any third parties about Theranos and that he’d give names of [ex]employees who he knew had talked to WSJ.

George: Tyler isn’t a snitch. Finding out who spoke to WSJ is Theranos’s problem.

Tyler declined to name WSJ’s other sources. Theranos declined to include his parents and heirs in the litigation release. Tyler’s parents were afraid of having to sell the house to cover for legal costs.

Carreyrou insisted that Theranos come to him, instead of meeting them at Boies Schiller in Manhattan.