16. The Grandson

Dated May 21, 2018; last modified on Sun, 14 Mar 2021

The Edison’s innards were mostly a pipette fastened to a robotic arm. But it had a [buggy] touchscreen interface, so…

A test is considered precise if its coefficient of variation (CV) is below 10%. Data runs that failed to meet the threshold were discarded. Of six values, Theranos only reported the median to the patient.

Theranos also argued that proficiency testing results were assessed by comparing them to its peers' results. But Theranos’s tech was unique and therefore had no peer group.

Tyler sort a 2nd opinion on Theranos’s practices and found out that they are a form of PT cheating and in violation of state and federal requirements. He chose to file an anonymous complaint with New York State’s Laboratory Investigative Unit.

George Shultz to Tyler Shultz: They’re trying to convince me that you’re stupid. They can’t convince me that you’re stupid. They can, however, convince me that you’re wrong and in this case, I do believe that you’re wrong.