AoC 2021 Day 04: Giant Squid

Dated Feb 25, 2022; last modified on Fri, 25 Feb 2022

Day 4 - Advent of Code 2021. . Accessed Feb 25, 2022.

Part One

You’re already almost 1.5km (almost a mile) below the surface of the ocean, already so deep that you can’t see any sunlight. What you can see, however, is a giant squid that has attached itself to the outside of your submarine.

Maybe it wants to play bingo ?

Bingo is played on a set of boards each consisting of a 5x5 grid of numbers. Numbers are chosen at random, and the chosen number is marked on all boards on which it appears. (Numbers may not appear on all boards.) If all numbers in any row or any column of a board are marked, that board wins. (Diagonals don’t count.)

The submarine has a bingo subsystem to help passengers (currently, you and the giant squid) pass the time. It automatically generates a random order in which to draw numbers and a random set of boards (your puzzle input).

The score of the winning board can be calculated. Start by finding the sum of all unmarked numbers on that board. Then multiply that sum by the number that was just called when the board won, to get the final score.

To guarantee victory against the giant squid, figure out which board will win first. What will your final score be if you choose that board?

{-#  OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas  #-}
{-#  HLINT ignore "Use tuple-section"  #-}

module GiantSquid
  ( DrawnNumbers,

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

File format: the first line contains the numbers to draw. The rest is a new line followed by a 5x5 grid of numbers representing a board.


22 13 17 11  0
 8  2 23  4 24
21  9 14 16  7
 6 10  3 18  5
 1 12 20 15 19

 3 15  0  2 22
 9 18 13 17  5
19  8  7 25 23
20 11 10 24  4
14 21 16 12  6

The numbers to draw can be represented as an [Int].

A board can be represented as a flat list-like of (Int, Bool) tuples, with helper functions accessing the cell at (i, j). Haskell types are immutable, so updating a board involves changing the entire board. I’ll need to do a lot of indexing. From the evaluation for various containers , candidates are List, Data.Sequence, and Data.Vector.*.

Typical operations will be updating a matching tile (if immutable, then creating new 25-element list), and then checking if the board wins (at most 10 lookups). The need for fmap () and indexing makes me choose Data.Vector for the Board type.

Does changing a board in a list of Boards recreate the whole vector? Seems like it would because I’d be using map. Presumably though, only one [Board] will be created because all Boards will be processed first.

type DrawnNumbers = [Int]

type Tile = (Int, Bool)

type Tiles = V.Vector Tile

type Board = (Tiles, Bool)

remarks that Haskell is not well-suited for multi-dimensional array processing, and therefore they use the Massiv library. In my case though, I represented the 5x5 board as a one-dimensional vector of 25 elements.

The Massiv also provided convenient APIs for the problem, which was able to utilize, e.g. traversing rows and columns, updating an entry that matches a predicate, etc.

Massiv’s convenient APIs made me also look at APIs from . Till then, I mostly assumed that Data.Vector shared the same API as List, only that the under-the-hood implementation was more efficient for my needs, e.g. indexing. Now that I’ve looked at the docs, nothing stands out. There are a couple of mentions of “monadic actions”, e.g. Data.Vector.mapM which “applies the monadic action to all elements of the vector, yielding a vector of results”, but monadic actions can wait a bit for now. I’m yet to get the hang on monads in code.

boardWinsFromIndex :: Tiles -> Int -> Bool
boardWinsFromIndex tiles idx =
  --  TODO: Add error handling? This function crashes with idx = 25
  let columnTiles = [idx - 5, idx - 10 .. 0] ++ [idx] ++ [idx + 5, idx + 10 .. 24]
      mod5 = idx `mod` 5
      rowTiles = [idx - mod5, idx - mod5 + 1 .. idx + 5 - mod5 - 1]

      --  | Return `True` iff the tiles in the indices are all marked.
      bingo :: [Int] -> Bool
      bingo (j : js) = let tileIsMarked = snd (tiles V.! j)
                       in if null js
                           then tileIsMarked
                           else tileIsMarked && bingo js
      bingo []       = False

   in bingo columnTiles || bingo rowTiles

type TileWithIndex = (Tile, Int)

Unexpected infinite loop.

l1 = [1, 2, 3]
l2 = [1 .. ]
zip l1 l2              -- [(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)]
v1 = [1, 2, 3]
v2 = [1 .. ] v1 v2            -- Infinite loop!
indicesWithMatch :: Tiles -> Int -> V.Vector Int
indicesWithMatch tiles num =
  let tileMatches :: Int -> TileWithIndex -> Bool
      tileMatches numToMatch (tile, _) = fst tile == numToMatch

      tilesWithIndex :: Tiles -> V.Vector TileWithIndex
      tilesWithIndex t = t (V.fromList [0 .. (length t)])

      matchingTilesWithIndex :: V.Vector TileWithIndex
      matchingTilesWithIndex = V.filter (tileMatches num) (tilesWithIndex tiles)
   in snd matchingTilesWithIndex

playRoundOnBoard :: Int -> Board -> Board
playRoundOnBoard num board =
  let updateTile :: Int -> Tile -> Tile
      updateTile n tile = if fst tile == n then (n, True) else tile

      updatedTiles = (updateTile num) (fst board)
      matchedIndices = V.toList (indicesWithMatch updatedTiles num)

      boardWins :: Tiles -> [Int] -> Bool
      boardWins _ [] = False
      boardWins tiles [i] = boardWinsFromIndex tiles i
      boardWins tiles (i : is) = boardWinsFromIndex tiles i || boardWins tiles is
   in (updatedTiles, boardWins updatedTiles matchedIndices)

type BoardWithLastCalledNum = (Board, Int)

playBingo :: DrawnNumbers -> [Board] -> BoardWithLastCalledNum
playBingo (n : nums) currBoards =
  let boardsAfterRound = map (playRoundOnBoard n) currBoards
      winner = filter snd boardsAfterRound
   in --  What is the idiomatic way of saying `if true`?
      if null winner then playBingo nums boardsAfterRound else (head winner, n)
playBingo [] currBoards = (head currBoards, 0)

scoreOfBoard :: BoardWithLastCalledNum -> Int
scoreOfBoard (board, lastCalledNum) =
  let unmarkedTiles :: Tiles
      unmarkedTiles = V.filter (not . snd) (fst board)
   in sum ( fst unmarkedTiles) * lastCalledNum

scoreOfFirstWinningBoard :: (DrawnNumbers, [Board]) -> Int
scoreOfFirstWinningBoard (drawnNums, boards) =
  scoreOfBoard (playBingo drawnNums boards)

Part Two

On the other hand, it might be wise to try a different strategy: let the giant squid win.

You aren’t sure how many bingo boards a giant squid could play at once, so rather than waste time counting its arms, the safe thing to do is to figure out which board will win last and choose that one. That way, no matter which boards it picks, it will win for sure.

Figure out which board will win last. Once it wins, what would its final score be?

playLastBoardBingo :: DrawnNumbers -> [Board] -> [BoardWithLastCalledNum] -> Maybe BoardWithLastCalledNum

playLastBoardBingo [n] boards winningBoards =
    let boardsAfterRound = map (playRoundOnBoard n) boards
        currWinners = reverse (filter snd boardsAfterRound)
        lastWinningBoardWithNum = if null currWinners
            then head winningBoards
            else (head currWinners, n)
    in Just lastWinningBoardWithNum

playLastBoardBingo (n:ns) boards winningBoards =
    let boardsAfterRound = map (playRoundOnBoard n) boards
        currWinners = reverse (filter snd boardsAfterRound)
        pendingBoards = filter (not . snd) boardsAfterRound
        allWinners = map (\b -> (b, n)) currWinners ++ winningBoards
    in playLastBoardBingo ns pendingBoards allWinners

playLastBoardBingo _ _ _ = Nothing

scoreOfLastWinningBoard :: (DrawnNumbers, [Board]) -> Int
scoreOfLastWinningBoard (drawnNums, boards) =
    --  TODO: error handling?
    scoreOfBoard(fromJust $ playLastBoardBingo drawnNums boards [])


  1. Data.Vector.Primitive. .
  2. Advent of Code 2021: Day 04: Giant Squid. . Accessed Mar 2, 2022.
  3. Data.Vector. .