AoC 2021 Day 07: The Treachery of Whales

Dated Mar 5, 2022; last modified on Sat, 05 Mar 2022

Day 7 - Advent of Code 2021. . Accessed Mar 5, 2022.

Part I Description

A giant whale has decided that your submarine is its next meal, and it’s much faster than you are. There’s nowhere to run!

Suddenly, a swarm of crabs (each in its own tiny submarine - it’s too deep for them otherwise) zooms in to rescue you! They seem to be preparing to blast a hole in the ocean floor; sensors indicate a massive underground cave system just beyond where they’re aiming!

The crab submarines all need to be aligned before they’ll have enough power to blast a large enough hole for your submarine to get through. However, it doesn’t look like they’ll be aligned before the whale catches you! Maybe you can help?

There’s one major catch - crab submarines can only move horizontally.

You quickly make a list of the horizontal position of each crab (your puzzle input). Crab submarines have limited fuel, so you need to find a way to make all of their horizontal positions match, while requiring them to spend as little fuel as possible.

Determine the horizontal position that the crabs can align to using the least fuel possible. How much fuel must they spend to align to that position?

Part I Solution

The challenge is finding the number that minimizes the sum of differences in the whole list. My gut is to test the mean, mode, and median, with emphasis on the mean (as the definition of standard deviation uses the mean).

The sample input is \([0,1,1,2,2,2,4,7,14,16]\), and the number that minimizes the sum of differences is \(2\). The three statistics are: mean = \(4.9\), mode = \(2\), and median = \(2\). My hunch on using the mean was wrong, it would not have gotten me to \(2\).

Is the mode the best candidate? In \([0,0,7,8,9]\), the mode is \(0\), and choosing it leads to \(0 + 0 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 24\), while choosing \(8\) would give us \(8 + 8 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 18\). So the mode does not always give the correct answer.

Is the median the best candidate? In \([0,0,0,7,9,9,15]\), the median is \(7\), and choosing it leads to \(7 + 7 + 7 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 8 = 33\). Choosing \(9\) leads to \(9 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 35\). Choosing \(8\) gives \(8 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 34\). Hmm, maybe this is it? With \([0,0,0,0,10,10,10]\), the median (\(0\)) gives \(30\). Choosing \(6\) gives \(6 \cdot 4 + 4 \cdot 3 = 36\), \(5\) gives \(5 \cdot 4 + 4 \cdot 3 = 32\), and \(4\) gives \(4 \cdot 4 + 6 \cdot 3 = 34\). A counterexample is proving elusive. Maybe the median works.

CLRS provides an algorithm for getting the \(k\)-th largest element in an unsorted array in \(O(N)\) probabilistic time, and \(O(1)\) space. I don’t know if it’ll come to that, but this is Advent of Code. And maybe the median is not the winning answer.

module AoC2021.TreacheryOfWhales
    (   minFuelForAlignmentWithConstantBurnRate,

import Data.List (sort)

median :: [Int] -> Double --  Partial function !
median xs  =
        sortedXs = sort xs
        lenDiv2 = length xs `div` 2

            | even (length xs) = [lenDiv2 - 1, lenDiv2]
            | otherwise        = [lenDiv2]

        medianSum = sum $ map (sortedXs !!) medianIdxs

    in (fromIntegral medianSum :: Double) / (fromIntegral (length medianIdxs) :: Double)

sumManhattanDistance :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumManhattanDistance xs anchor = sum $ map (\x -> abs(x - anchor)) xs

minFuelForAlignment :: ([Int] -> Double) -> ([Int] -> Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int
minFuelForAlignment statisticCalculator costCalculator positions =
        statistic = statisticCalculator positions
        floorStatistic = floor statistic
        ceilingStatistic = ceiling statistic

        manhattanDistSums =
            map (costCalculator positions) [floorStatistic, ceilingStatistic]

            | floorStatistic == ceilingStatistic =
                costCalculator positions floorStatistic
            | otherwise =
                uncurry min (head manhattanDistSums, manhattanDistSums !! 1)
    in minFuel

minFuelForAlignmentWithConstantBurnRate :: [Int] -> Int
minFuelForAlignmentWithConstantBurnRate =
    minFuelForAlignment median sumManhattanDistance

Whoa, the median does work. I need a solid proof for why it works.

phrases the problem as a minimization of a cost function. For Part I, the cost function is \( f_a (x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N} | c_i - x | \), and that representation more readily intuits the median.

I don’t quite comprehend ’s proof that the median always works. Revisit this part: If we remove the outer two most points, the answer stays the same, repeat and we arrive at the center most point.

further claims that for even length sequences, it doesn’t matter if we take the upper or lower median; the cost is the same. This fact simplifies the solution as median could have returned an Int, and minFuelForAlignment would not need to try out both the floor and ceiling of the returned median.

Part II Description

Given that the \(O(N\ log(N))\) approached worked for Part I, it’s not the bottleneck for Part II since \(O(N\ log(N))\) is pretty typical of efficient algorithms; no need to implement the \(O(N)\) quick-select algorithm.

Maybe another variable to optimize over that’s in conflict with coalescing into the same horizontal position? Maybe they need to spend more fuel to get into a better position before blasting a hole?

The crabs don’t seem interested in your proposed solution. Perhaps you misunderstand crab engineering?

As it turns out, crab submarine engines don’t burn fuel at a constant rate. Instead, each change of 1 step in horizontal position costs 1 more unit of fuel than the last: the first step costs 1, the second step costs 2, the third step costs 3, and so on.

As each crab moves, moving further becomes expensive. This changes the best horizontal position to align them all on.

Determine the horizontal position that the crabs can align to using the least fuel possible so they can make you an escape route! How much fuel must they spend to align to that position?

Huh, my guess on where Part II was headed was wrong.

Part II Solution

The cost of moving from position \(0\) to position \(n\) is \(1 + 2 + … + n = n(n+1)/2\) .

The best position for \([0,1,1,2,2,2,4,7,14,16]\) is \(5\), and that is pretty close to the mean (\(4.9)\). The fuel burnt is \(O(N^2)\), and the standard deviation also has a square term, \(\sqrt{ \frac{ \sum | x - \mu |^2 }{ N } } \), so maybe it somehow works out?

sumPlusOneIncreasingBurnRates :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumPlusOneIncreasingBurnRates xs anchor = sum $ map sumPowersOfOne xs where
    sumPowersOfOne :: Int -> Int
    sumPowersOfOne x =
        let d = abs(x - anchor)
        in (d * (d + 1)) `div` 2

mean :: [Int] -> Double --  Partial function !
mean xs = (fromIntegral (sum xs) :: Double) / (fromIntegral (length xs) :: Double)

minFuelForAlignmentWithIncreasingBurnRate :: [Int] -> Int
minFuelForAlignmentWithIncreasingBurnRate =
    minFuelForAlignment mean sumPlusOneIncreasingBurnRates

Holy smokes! The mean works for Part II! I’m missing a lot of fundamentals.

defines the cost function as \( f_b (x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N} (| c_i - x |)(| c_i - x | + 1) / 2 \), and writes a proof for why \(\bar{x} = \langle c_i \rangle\) minimizes the cost function.

In mathematical notation, angle brackets (or ‘chevrons’) are used:

  • In group theory to write group representations (1) and to denote the subgroup generated by a collection of elements (2).
  • In set theory to denote ordered pairs and other tuples (3).

So much for not taking the optimization class in college. I’m feeling out of my depth w.r.t mathematical maturity. Find some material that explains how to minimize the \(f_a\) and \(f_b\) cost functions. ORF 307 might be a good start.


  1. Advent of Code 2021: Day 07. The Treachery of Whales. . Accessed Mar 7, 2022.
  2. Bracket > Angle brackets - Wikipedia. . Accessed Mar 7, 2022.